Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Two Great Days Out!

As you all know, I still tend to sleep a lot.

Have a look at my picture here - I can drop off anywhere if need for sleep takes over!

During the past few days, though, I've been awake more than usual.

I think it's because my Mummy and Daddy have taken
me to two really amazing places recently.

I've made videos to show where we went - I wonder if you can guess where we were? Leave a comment if you think you know the answer. I'll give you some clues.

On the first day, we went to Manchester Town Center....It turned out to have some very special memories for my Mummy and Daddy.

That was yesterday - and I loved it :-)

Today was another great day. Can you guess where we were? Here's a quote from my Daddy, "I wonder if these are some more of my relatives," thought Luke, "they look pretty weird... Some of them look almost as strange as Uncle Graeme!"


  1. Hi it's Iona. I'm not sure because I thought I knew when I saw you sleeping Luke nearly half way through the movie but is it a deep sea world or something like that?

  2. Hi it's Iona is the first one an art museum or something? Again I guessed before it ended.
