Saturday 4 January 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Did you all have a nice Christmas?  

I had a lovely time! 

My mummy and daddy thought it would be a nice idea if we met up with my Scottish family and my grandma from Brighton at Center Parcs.

Let me show you some of the magical things we did while we were there.

On Christmas Eve we went to a special village.

It was full of lovely little houses with the people who live inside peeping out to have a look at all the people who had come to visit.

There were other super things to see there as well. 

My mummy and daddy said they would lift me up so that I could see what was going on in a fenced off area.


My uncle Brian came to have a peek in as well.

We all loved what we saw...........

 It was Santa's reindeer!

Here's one of them having a look up from his dinner to say hello to us all :-)


We said goodbye to the reindeer.

My mummy told me that there was someone else that she had arranged for me to meet in the village.

We walked on a little further until we came to a door that said 'Santa's Workshop'.

 One of Santa's  elves showed us the room where Santa was sitting in a big chair!

Santa knew my name and said that I had been a good boy all year and that he would visit me at the house we were staying in and leave me some nice presents. He said that I could sit on his knee to have a picture taken, but I was a bit shy so my mummy and daddy said that they would come and sit with me. 

When we came out, my daddy and me sat on the little toadstools outside Santa's workshop and chatted about how exciting it had been to meet him.


After all that excitement, though, I was very tired. 

I was glad that my daddy said he would give me a ride back to our house.

When we got back, it was time for my bath and my bed.


                     I dreamed about what the next day would bring.......

                      ..... and guess what? 


The next day brought lots of fun :-)  

We all opened the presents that Santa had left for us.


One of the first presents I opened from my Santa stocking was my 'penny whistle'. 

I couldn't wait to show off what I could do with it.

Very soon after I'd started to play, my Nana joined in with another whistle that was in my stocking.

We had lots of fun marching about the house.

Uncle Brian decided to join in the fun. So we had a penny whistle, a whistle ... and a tambourine marching through the house.

 It was great fun :-)




Soon it was time to start making Christmas dinner. My daddy was busy in the kitchen area of the house ................. and I was busy with the new kitchen Santa had left for me! 


That same day, my Papa and Nana went walking with me to visit the ducks.


It was cold, but the sun was shining and there were blue skies.

My Nana had brought some bread to feed the ducks.


She gave me some so that I could feed them too.

They all loved it and came right up out of the water to get some. It was great fun!

Uncle Brian came to find us and he took some pictures of the ducks with his camera.

The next day my Nana and my daddy went a walk to the woods to see what goes on in there.


My daddy showed me some holes in the ground.


He said that some little animals had made them and that maybe rabbits were living down there.

I wandered on a little bit and I was very excited when I found some rabbit holes as well.

 I called on everyone to come and have a look!

On the last night of our holiday, my mummy and daddy and me went on a nice walk together to have a last look at all the things we'd seen while we were there.

We had a seat on some steps so that we could chat about everything that had happened.

My mummy and daddy asked me if I would have nice memories of my time there.

We all threw our arms open wide and shouted, "Always!!"

Well, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas as well, and that 2014 is a great year for you.

I'm really looking forward to it and I'll be back on here very soon ...... with some very exciting news for you about our family :-)

 Bye bye for now!!

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