Tuesday 1 November 2011

Luke's Likes

All babies cry sometimes. When I'm upset, trying some of these things I like may calm me down:

1. Carrying me up and down stairs. I don't know what I like about it, but if my daddy walks up and down a few times while singing "The Grand Old Luke of York" I usually stop crying very quickly.

2. The sound of running water. I'm not sure why this works, but if you run a tap where I can hear it and rock me back and forth, I'll stop crying so I can listen to the water.

3. Getting carried around. I like to get carried in people's arms, in a pram, or as I just found out this morning, in a baby sling. I like getting carried so much that I sometimes have trouble sleeping in a cot. A good trick is to put rolled up blankets on either side of me so I feel cosy.

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