Saturday 22 October 2011

My First Day!

I was born on the 13th of October 2011. I was 17 days late and my mummy and daddy thought I was never going to make an appearance...but when they saw me, they couldn't believe how beautiful I was :-)

My daddy saw that I was a boy and they decided to call me Luke Jack Trevelyan Vass. I like my name. I weighed 6lbs and 13 oz.

The nurses wrapped me up and gave me to my mummy. They put this silly hat on me. All new babies need to wear these!

It wasn't too long, though before they dressed me in my own clothes.
They took this video of me on my first day.


  1. Hey Luke u look so cute when u were first born. Mrs.v has been showing us videos about u. I so don't think Mrs.v has told u about me so I am going to tell u about me. Well I am called Max and I hav a Blog too so if u don't mind please comment. Ok bye.

  2. Hi Max, thanks for visiting my blog. Glad you like my videos!
